What is next for the podcast #AgeingEqual 

Our podcast #AgeingEqual aims to start a conversation on how together we can empower older people to participate in society and to live longer, healthier and happier with the aid of technology. Giving voice to older people themselves, sharing good practices on how to codesign the future together, are some of the key-messages we want to pass in e-VITA podcast. 

We have interviewed and will continue to interview leaders in this field. Check out our past episodes and find out how ICT can support wellbeing of older adults from the perspective of our coordinators, but also what an older person expects from ICT in the voice of Elizabeth Mestheneos. 

For the next months, we will reflect on what should be considered when codesigning technology for older adults,  how can we ensure that it will be accepted and why it seems to be a bigger acceptance of older adults in Japan. But we will not stop there and we will take a look at how is the market around AgeTech in Europe and Japan, current and future trends and of course, what is next for e-VITA and social robotics. 

Will robots change the way we age? What does the future look like? 

Keep an eye in our social media accounts to discover who will be the speakers to discuss these hot topics with us!