The Institute for Applied Computer Science

Universität Leipzig is one of the oldest and largest universities in Germany, with 30,000 students. The Institute for Applied Computer Science (InfAI) hosts world-class research groups in service and web science. The 40 researchers of the knowledge engineering research group are establishing theoretical results and scalable implementations for realizing the Semantic Data Web. 

Emphasis is given to areas such as ontology creation and manipulation, knowledge extraction, ontology learning, and information and data integration on the Linked Data Web.  

InfAI has led several large-scale collaborative research projects on the national and EU levels with high-impact results in their emphasis areas.  

Role in the project:  

InfAI will mainly contribute to the e-VITA project by developing a deep learning toolbox for data analysis tasks and dialogue system components. InfAI will also provide algorithms for multimodal knowledge graph completion.