The Human Augmentation Research Center (HARC), as a member of AIST, has the mission to develop technologies for maintenance and enhancement of human functions (physical, emotional, and communicational), improvement quality of life, reduction of social costs, and development of industries application.  

Assistive Robotics Research Team develop assistive robots and assistive technologies aiming at independent living, reducing care burden, and improving service efficiency in our super-aged society. HARC develops related technologies such as design methods based on the analysis of users’ activities, safety and benefit evaluation methods, frameworks for clinical evaluation, and methods for data acquisition and analysis. 

Role on the project:  

AIST/HARC is responsible for WP7, Integration, Tools & Services, on the Japanese side and will contribute to design and integrate the e-VITA platform. AIST/HARC will contribute to a complementary living lab sub-study about how older adults deal with android robots, providing experience and knowledge on android robots. AIST/HARC will work on interoperability and standardization as well as safety issues.