Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris

AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, is the largest hospital consortium in Europe, federating 39 hospitals. With more than 19,000 medical staff, 3000 hospital physicians and more than 6000 residents and medical students.  

AP-HP pursues three main missions: healthcare delivery, medical and paramedical teaching, and biomedical and clinical research.  

AP-HP teams develop high quality research activities and is involved in more than 80 European research projects. Broca Living Lab is housed in Broca. It aims to design, to develop and to assess technological products and services to support older adults and their caregivers in a living lab environment. 

Role in the project:  

The AP-HP research team, in close collaboration with its linked third-party CEN STIMCO, will lead WP8 on the European side, supervising the proof-of-concept study. It will act as the privacy and ethics guarantor for the project, guiding partners in ensuring compliance of studies with GDPR and proper supervision from relevant ethical committees in European countries. It will run the French test site in Paris for the proof-of-concept study and contribute in earlier stage studies by recruiting participants, running co-creation workshops, and testing sessions on its premises at Broca Hospital.