Legal Notice
University Siegen
Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media
57068 Siegen
The Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media and University of Siegen is a corporation constituted under public law and an organization of the Federal land of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Legal representative of the Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media is
Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf.
Responsible editor
Responsibility in accordance with German legislation (§ 10 Absatz 3 MDStV / i.S.d.P. / TDG) lies with the authors named at the end of the website concerned.
In addition, various decentralized websites are available, partly stored on separate servers. The editors responsible for them are named therein.
Responsibility for the website rests with Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media at the University of Siegen.
As is the case with any other visual communication media, the design of the website is subject to uniform style guides described in a “Corporate Design Manual”. Their adherence is supported by providing examples, templates and other resources.
Technical implementation:
Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media, University Siegen
Although we have reviewed their contents thoroughly, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. They are not offered by the Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media at the University of Siegen, and only the operators of such linked pages are responsible for their content. The Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media of the University of Siegen explicitly dissociates itself from such content and does not support such content.
The copyright for texts, graphics, illustrations, design and source code lies with the Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media of the University. Unless the prior consent of the Institute for Socio-Informatics and New Media at the University has been obtained, copies must not be produced, used or transferred, either in electronic form or as printouts.