The role of Human Coaches | e-VITA Italian Pilot in action

e-VITA Italian Pilot in action

In a recent initiative, the e-VITA Italian Pilot team was actively seeking feedback from participants to enhance e-VITA solutions and ultimately improve the wellbeing of older adults across Europe and Japan. The invaluable input from these end-users plays a key role in shaping the success of our project.

Under the leadership of our Human Coach, Marco Benadduci, the e-VITA Healthy Lifestyle Meeting was successfully organised through the e-Vita App. Held at the robotic rehab area of the IRCCS INRCA – Istituto Nazionale Ricovero e Cura Anziani hospital in Ancona, Italy, the session aimed to showcase the latest technologies in rehabilitation and fitness.

During the event, participants demonstrated a keen interest and sensitivity to the presented technologies, actively engaging with them and expressing awareness of the importance of healthy and active ageing.

📽️ Photographs and Video Edition: Michele Bigi