INRCA is an Italian public health care and research organization with about 1,100 employees and the coordinator of the Italian network on ageing, which is funded by the Italian Ministry of Health. This is the only research institute specifically focused on geriatric and gerontological topics in Italy.
INRCA is operating through four geriatric hospitals, an Alzheimer day care center, a nursing home, and a multidisciplinary Scientific and Technology Research Facility.
This allows INRCA to carry out high-quality clinical and translational research in biomedical and health care services areas, as well as provide evidence and recommendations to public and private institutions concerning the socio-economic impact of ageing.
Role in the project:
INRCA will lead the definition of contents of coaching (WP3) and will actively participate in the proof-of-concept study as a pilot site and cooperating in the methodology definition, sharing the experience gained in other European funded project as pilot and validation site as well as managing the methodological aspects of randomized control trial (WP8). Moreover, great effort will be spent in the dissemination activities (WP9).